Why you should be using social media. From connections to content, here’s what you need to know

With over 5.07 billion people active on social media globally (representing more than half of the world’s population), it’s little wonder that businesses around the world have jumped on board. With 74% of consumers’ decisions influenced by social media, businesses can’t afford to ignore the platforms. 

While most businesses understand they are important marketing tools, knowing how and where to start is one of the biggest challenges. But it’s easier than you think! Here’s how accountancy firms can ride the social media wave.


Understand your goals

To truly maximise your presence on social, you first need to understand and define your goals. Here’s what social can do for your business:

  • Increase brand awareness – if your marketing focus is all about getting your firm’s name out there, this should be reflected in your social media goals. Brand awareness can be boosted by encouraging followers to share your content and expertise, and collaborating with influencers (e.g. a local business association) or relevant brands.
  • Drive connection – social media allow you to give your firm a unique voice and personality that can help followers feel more connected to your brand. This connection can pay dividends later on as you build closer relationships with them.
  • Secure client reviews – with almost 90% of consumers reading online reviews before engaging with a business, social proof has become a key driver of new business. Online reviews build trust, but they also help with decision-making and can provide your firm with priceless feedback.
  • Generate new business – whether it’s driving traffic to your website, generating new leads or growing revenue, social media followers are a great source of business. By providing things like a discounted offering to new clients or a free financial health check, you’ll see leads turn into real results.

Which platform is best?

From Facebook to TikTok, keeping on top of emerging platforms and trends can be challenging. We recommend you start by finding out where your current and prospective clients are most likely to be, and picking one or two platforms to focus on initially. Here are our top three picks for accountants:

  • LinkedIn – as a professional networking platform, LinkedIn is more business-oriented than its peers. With the majority of users in the 46-55 age group, well-educated and in a higher income bracket, it’s a must-have for your social media strategy.
  • Facebook – with over 3.07 billion monthly active users, Facebook remains the most-used and engaged-with social platform. With a relatively equal gender split, the platform skews towards the 25-34 age group but also attracts a large number of baby boomers, with 60% now having accounts.
  • Instagram – means images and video, making it ideal for connecting emotionally with your audience and building your brand story visually. Because Instagram is owned by Facebook, its advertising tools are equally as effective for reaching and building your network.   
  • X (Twitter) – the home of short, quippy and to-the-point content, X skews slightly towards males in the 46-55 demographic. It’s the perfect platform to share content and drive discussions, but advertising options remain limited.

Expert Tip: If you’re not sure which social networks your clients or prospects are using, search for them or their businesses to see which channels they are active on. Or if you know them well enough, just ask them directly. 


What to post

The key to thriving on social media is consistency – regular posting without compromising on quality content. It’s all about giving your followers a reason to be engaged with your business. For example:

  • Upcoming deadline reminders – while EOFY and other tax deadlines may be top of mind for you, it’s unlikely they are for your clients. They will appreciate the heads up and it will prompt them to reach out.
  • Provide value – tailor your social media communications to your target clients with tips and insights that can make their lives easier from an accounting perspective – for example, information about tax breaks and legislative changes, tips on planning for a tax return or interesting industry news. This approach will position you as knowledgeable and help build trust in your business.
  • Content that injects personality – social media posts let businesses develop unique voices so they connect with customers and differentiate themselves from competitors. Accountants can sometimes be seen as stuffy and boring – so don’t be afraid to add a bit of fun and personality to your feed. 
  • Positivity and inspiration – if you’ve written some great case studies or received feedback from a happy client, social media are the perfect places to shout about this success. 

For more examples on what to pose to social media click here.

Focus on quality over quantity

It’s easy to get caught up in recommendations of the optimal number of posts each day or week, but sticking to quality over quantity is the best approach when getting started on social media. Think carefully about your content strategy, choose your platform wisely and commit to spending some time responding to questions every day. 

For a more detailed look into social media for accountants, take a look at our Social Media 101 for Accountants webinar.


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