With a few clicks, you can easily create your own content, or use articles from BOMA’s huge content library, and share it via email, social media channels and your website as a blog. Plus free image library, lead capture forms and a custom website build service.
Note: Make sure to unmute the demo so you can listen to the full commentary and instructions.
Use BOMA’s email editor to create and send professional looking branded emails to your contacts. You can use articles from the BOMA content library, write your own email copy or combine articles from the content with your own content.
Post to all your social media channels via the one platform including Facebook, LinkedIn Personal, LinkedIn Business and Twitter. Instagram coming soon! You can post content from the content library or write your own social posts. You can also share links and video.
With BOMA you can post content library articles to your website blog manually or set up an automation via our Zapier WordPress integration allowing you share to your blog with one click.
Schedule your emails campaigns and social posts to publish at a time that works best for you and your audience. You can schedule an unlimited number of campaigns.
Build lead capture forms to collect contact details and automatically add them to your contact list in BOMA. You can also embed the forms on your website. Great for newsletter sign up’s, downloadable lead magnets, contact us forms and more.
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