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Harness the power of digital content marketing for your accounting firm

image of magnet to attract customers with digital marketing

image of magnet to attract customers with digital marketing

What’s content marketing and why is it important?

You’re all set to go with a shiny new social media page or website – the big question is “what content should I share?”

Content marketing is engaging potential and current clients by speaking about what matters to them. It’s not a ‘hard sell’, but genuinely winning their interest – consistently sharing valuable content helps build a long-lasting relationship with your audience based on continually showing that you value their time and attention. Relevant and engaging content also helps optimise your website for search engines too.

Your content can include any articles, blogs, newsletters, pictures or video you share, and should always put your audience first, support your firm’s strategy and be planned out in advance – while making room for spontaneity on social media, where being spontaneous and human can be a real winner.

Successful content marketing is:

Valuable – aim for ‘news you can use’ and make sure it’s worth your audience’s time to read or watch your content.

Relevant – content that’s targeted to your audience’s interests.

Regular – follows a consistent timetable that sets and meets client expectations, whether it’s every day, week or month, without “over-communicating”.


Tailoring content to build your audience

Traditional “one-way broadcast out” marketing has changed – “inbound marketing” is about attracting qualified prospects to your brand via Search Engine Optimisation (making your content easy to find through Google and other search engines), content marketing and social media marketing.

A Nielsen survey showed the most trusted form of advertising for 83% of consumers is recommendations from friends. If your audience likes and trusts your content enough to share it to their own Facebook page, hit retweet or post it to their LinkedIn page, this “digital word of mouth” is invaluable for your marketing campaign. So aim to tailor your content to your audience’s needs, help solve their problems and offer information they can use.


Promoting your content

Creating great content is just the first step – make it work harder and smarter by promoting it in the right places:

Grow your audience

Steadily building your audience through Facebook likes, Instagram followers, LinkedIn and Twitter connections or newsletter sign ups is the start of very valuable relationships for your business. By hitting ‘like’ or sharing their email address, your audience has indicated they value what you’re saying enough to share their personal data with you, and are keen to receive more in the future.

Best practice is to treat your audience’s attention with care and respect by only sharing content that’s relevant and valuable – you’ll know you’ve reached marketing nirvana when they start sharing your content with their own networks.  


Join the social media conversation

You’ve posted a great piece of content, the next step is joining a two-way conversation. Social media is where clients expect to be able to speak with firms directly – if you’re not part of the online conversation you’re leaving potential clients hanging.


Where to start with content marketing?

With all the different options out there, it can be overwhelming trying to decide where to begin. The best approach is to simply get underway – pick the social media platforms you are comfortable with (Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn are excellent places to kick off with), put a toe in the water and start building your audience.  


Story based marketing can drive results for your business

It’s clear new digital and social media platforms offer marketers and small business owners a completely new tool kit for reaching clients. Once you get underway, keep an eye on how well your content performs. Measure your website visits, conversion from email, subscriber list growth or social media sharing. Digital marketing is infinitely measurable. Decide on some key performance indicators and use these to keep you on track with effective content marketing.

BOMA brings all your communication channels together and automatically reformats your content for email, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram, making it easy for you to spend your time where it’s most valuable: developing your story, and taking your first steps to building your audience through content marketing.

Find out how BOMA can help with your digital marketing.

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